Are you wondering what the title of this blog means? It’s actually supposed to be a dad joke but I am going to go ahead and explain it. In this blog, we are going to talk about cats’ sense of smell. Their sense of smell is extremely strong and it surpasses the sense of their taste. So, basically it's essential sense. So.. Essence but Es-sense!
Anyway, you all know that cats have an exceptional sense of smell. But did you know that their sense of taste is actually not all that well-developed? While a human being has 9000 taste buds and a dog 1500, the cat has to do with 500 only! This allows your cat to taste bitter and sour in food, just like a little salt, but not sweet.
When a cat tastes something, the information about the taste reaches the highly developed olfactory center of their brain. Moreover, with Jacobson's organ, between the mouth and the nasal cavity, she can literally 'taste' the smell of her food. So the cat decides largely on the basis of smell whether their food is tasty or not.
The smell of the food is therefore extremely important. Orange Pet Nutrition has a wide range of cat food that appeals to cats' olfactory lobes. Try the food out and see the results for yourself today!