A dog happily runs across a grassy field

Dogs are wonderful companions who need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Exercise helps dogs burn calories, reduce boredom, improve mental health, and prevent behavioural problems. But how much exercise does your dog need? And what are some of the best ways to exercise your dog?

Today, we will answer these questions and give you some tips on how to exercise your dog the right way.

A woman and her dog exercising amidst trees

How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

  • The amount of exercise your dog needs depends on several factors, such as age, breed, size, health, and personality.
  • Some dogs are more active and energetic than others and need more exercise to keep them satisfied. As a general rule, most dogs need at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, but some may need up to 2 hours or more.
  • To determine how much exercise your dog needs, you can consult your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer.
  • You can also observe your dog’s behaviour and look for signs of boredom or excess energy, such as chewing, digging, barking, or jumping. If your dog shows these signs, it may mean that he or she needs more exercise.

When Should You Exercise Your Dog?


A dog runs with a ball in their mouth, playing joyfully


The best time of day to exercise your dog may depend on several factors, such as your dog’s age, breed, health, and personality, as well as your own schedule, preferences, and weather conditions. Some sources suggest that exercising your dog in the early mornings may be beneficial, as this can help them start the day with a positive mood and energy. You can also exercise your dog in the late afternoons or evenings, as long as you avoid the hottest hours of the day and provide enough water and shade for your dog.

What Are Some of the Best Ways to Exercise Your Dog?

There are many ways to exercise your dog, both indoors and outdoors. The best way to exercise your dog is to find something that both of you enjoy. Here are some of the most popular and effective ways to exercise your dog:

1. Walking

A woman and her dog taking a walk through the park


Walking is the classic form of exercise we tend to give our dogs. But that’s okay, most dogs love to walk!

Walking is a great way to provide your dog with physical and mental stimulation, as well as socialisation with other dogs and people. You can vary the route, speed, and duration of your walks to keep them interesting and challenging for your dog. You can also make it more challenging and interesting by changing the terrain. You can walk on grass, sidewalk, sand, dirt, or slope. Each terrain helps your dog with balance and stimulates his or her senses!

2. Running

Running is a great form of exercise for some dogs. Not all dogs can tolerate this type of exercise, but some breeds, such as huskies, retrievers, terriers, and herding dogs, are natural runners and love to run alongside their owners.

Running can help your dog burn more calories and improve his or her cardiovascular health. However, you should be careful not to overdo it or run in extreme weather conditions. 

3. Cycling

Cycling is another way to exercise your dog that can be fun and challenging for both of you. Cycling can help you cover more distance and speed than walking or running, which can be exciting for your dog.

However, cycling with your dog requires some training and equipment to ensure safety and comfort. You should use a bike attachment or a leash that allows you to keep your hands on the handlebars and your dog at a safe distance from the wheels.

You should also choose a bike that is suitable for your height and weight and a route that is smooth and traffic-free.

4. Playing

A dog playing outdoors, jumping to catch a frisbee being thrown by his or her owner


Playing is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to exercise your dog. Playing can help your dog release stress, bond with you, learn new skills, and have fun. There are many games you can play with your dog indoors or outdoors, such as fetch, tug-of-war, hide-and-seek, chase, or agility. You can use toys, treats, or praise to motivate your dog and reward him or her for playing well.

5. Training

A dog sits obediently on the ground and looks up at their owner, who is holding them by their leash


Training is not only a way to teach your dog good manners and obedience but also a way to exercise his or her mind and body. Training can help your dog learn new commands, tricks, or behaviours that can make him or her more confident, intelligent, and well-behaved. Training can also help you communicate better with your dog and strengthen your relationship.

You can train your dog at home or enrol him or her in a class or a program that offers professional guidance and socialisation opportunities.

6. Swimming

Swimming is another great exercise for dogs, as it works all their muscles without putting stress on their joints. You can let your dog swim in a pool, a lake, or the ocean, as long as the water is clean and safe. You can also throw toys or treats in the water for your dog to retrieve. Make sure your dog is comfortable with water and supervise him or her at all times.

7. Indoor Exercise

Dogs need exercise to stay healthy and happy, even when they are indoors. Some of the best indoor exercises for dogs are running up and down the stairs, setting up obstacle courses, playing hide and seek, and playing fetch, keep away, or tug of war.

These exercises can help your dog work out different muscles, challenge their skills, stimulate their senses, and have fun with you.

A woman plays with her beagle indoors


Exercise is essential for your dog’s health and happiness. By exercising your dog regularly and properly, you can help him or her stay fit, active, mentally stimulated, and well-adjusted. You can also enjoy spending quality time with your dog and have fun together.

Remember to consult your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer before starting any exercise program with your dog and to choose the best methods that suit your dog’s needs and preferences!